Referee Testing
Latest Rules Discussion
All clinics and written test will be at the SJSU Event Center, aerobics room, on Saturday, February 10, 2018. Contact Vaughn Imada at if you have questions regarding National and/or Regional Referee testing.
Referee Clinic 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. ($20 payable to USA Judo)
National and Regional Referee Candidate written test 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. or soon after referee clinic. New IJF contest rules as adopted by USA Judo discussed. Referees attending clinic must be dressed in Referee attire.
Candidates for Regional or Local Referee certification will be required to attend the referee clinic, pass the Regional/Local Referee test and receive a satisfactory evaluation in the practical portion during the event. Candidate may wear white polo shirt in lieu of white shirt, tie and coat. $15 fee payable to “Cenco” to take the Regional or Local test and process certification.
Candidates for National Referee Certification must meet the following criteria and conditions. A National Referee must:
be at least 18 years of age.
be a citizen of the USA.
be a Regional Referee for at least one year.
be a member of USA JUDO (USJI)
have a recognized judo rank of Shodan (1st dan) or higher.
Candidates (National, Regional and Local) must attend the Clinic, pass the written test, referee the entire event and receive a satisfactory evaluation. National Referee candidates should bring proof of age, citizenship, rank, regional certification and USA Judo membership to the Clinic. There is a $20 fee to take the National test and a $10 one-time registration fee for successful National Referee candidates. Checks should be made payable to USA Judo.