The 71th Annual San Jose Buddhist Judo Club and 27th “Sensei Memorial” Invitational Judo Tournament
San Jose State University Event Center
7th Street and San Carlos, San Jose, CA
To our Judo community,
Thank you to the hundreds of people who helped make this years “Sensei Memorial”
Tournament such a huge success. The 71st Annual SJBJC and 27th “Sensei Memorial” Invitational Judo Tournament had 725 competitors. We received many compliments from referees, coaches and competitors on how professionally our tournament was run. Its success is due to all of your participation and support.
To everyone who took time out of their busy schedules, who took time to referee for hours, who trained so hard and who sat up in those stands cheering...thank you!
To all the Committee Heads – thank you again and again for all you did in your respective areas. From the early planning stages of organizing, transporting, setting up and cleaning up, we appreciate the efforts of all the volunteers for their hard work from start to finish. The Official's room was delicious as always and we received many, many compliments on the food and hospitality. Thank you to all our parents and friends for the specialty dishes that were donated and the overwhelming help throughout the day. The security was abundant and kept everything orderly and everyone safe. The pool room did their magic and got everyone into their appropriate pools. Table help, pooling/announcers of the pools, presenters of the awards, registration and weigh-in personnel, referees, medical staff, coaches, parents...to all of you we give a big round of applause for a job well done, going above and beyond.
Warmest “thank you” to all our Judo community for all your help and donations to make this years tournament such a success. There aren't enough words to express our deep appreciation to you for your dedication to the club and this tournament.
Happy New Year and Domo Arigatogozaimasu
Albert Kato and Elaine Abad
SJB Tournament Directors

Director: Elaine Abad
510 659-8658

There were several items left at the San Jose Buddhist "Sensei Memorial" tournament. Please contact Vaughn Imada at vpimada@aol.com if you think any are yours.
1. Size 2 yellow belt
2. Size 00 Fuji white belt with name "Minhthu" written on it
3. 140cm Mizuno white belt
4. Silver water bottle with UC Berkeley logo
5. Lavender water bottle
6. Black water bottle with River Way Ranch Camp logo
7. Kids size 12/13 purple Crocs
8. Size 5? Judo Unlimited gi pants.
9. Right hand side of women’s glove The North Face
10. Brown knit cap
11. Size 1 Kodokan gi top.
12. Small black Under Armor tee shirt
13. Small girls 90 Degree leggings
14. Youth large Santa Clara Wrestling hoodie
15. Youth small Old Navy maroon sweater
16. Youth medium Old Navy blue hoodie
17. Youth size 8-10 Champion black jacket
18. Men’s jewelry
19. 3rd place medal
20. Pair of eye glasses
21. Credit card